You have whole websites devoted to it, blog posts, articles, and newspaper editorials informing, articulating and advising us on how to get that hot bikini shape.
Besides that, everybody seems to now have some 3 weeks/21 days, 4 weeks or 60 days program to get you, no matter your body size or shape into that much vaunted bikini figure eight.
So quite obviously to the question what is a bikini body, while others opine that anybody in a bikini is a bikini body, the media will have us believe that it is a female body type which is lean, taut and strong. That female body type that will have you the owner looking good on a beach and heads turning in your direction like you were some hot super model just recently stepped off the cover of Vogue magazine. Am I right or my right…? I ask that question because I know I can only be one.
Moreover it has been touted and canvassed by the media as the ace in the female’s deck when it comes to capturing the attention of a member of the opposite sex or, just feeling sexy and confident about one’s own body. If that is the true definition, then, well I guess many of us quite obviously don’t make the mark.
In so much as we should be proud of our bodies and unafraid to flaunt it whenever we hit the seashore, quite literally, it is understandable how not having one-that perfect bikini body can leave some feeling depressed, dejected or very self-conscious. Hence the craze and desire to attain this perfect equine.
So, in view of that, I have decided to join the craze. Well in so far as that is possible, you see- I am a male. Let me explain. Okay, so, what really caught my attention was the prospect of how getting a bikini body can do wonders for your relationship whether you are a female or male. How’s that? Well recently a female friend of mine decided that her body was not quite bikini compliant and as such, she needed to go on a bikini body crash course.
Despite my reassurances that I liked her just the way she was and that she did not need to change in any way, as is normal with my friend and I guess other women out there, (hope I don’t get any shots for this), whenever she felt as strongly as she did then on any subject, it was no longer possible for me to remain neutral on the matter. As every man knows, when your significant other gets an idea into her head, if it isn’t harmful, then it is usually better and greatly more rewarding to just agree.
So whereas ordinarily, I would have been out with the boys on our "beer rounds" or at a football game, I decided I had better do the opposite. I started to stock up on the Bikini body phenomena; update myself on its various forms and methods and a few days later -voila, I could contribute meaningfully to discussions with her about crunches, lunges, diet plans, and smoothies. Well, what wouldn’t a man do for love? Hence began our journey to find the Holy Grail of Bikini body workouts.
We looked at different plans-me and my friend- from the banal to the exotic, from the rudimentary to the sophisticated, from the simple to the complex, from the everyday to the futuristic and we decided to choose one. Believe me it was no easy task.
Here are a few that we found interesting. Kate Norian (Live Strong.coms) Bikini Body Work out, Yinka Thomas’s “Get a Bikini Body in 3 weeks” (which is more of a diet than a work out), Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide, Shape: Ultimate Bikini Body Work Out by Dominique Hall, Jen Ferrugias Bikini Body Workout. Nora Tobins “Last Ditch Bikini Prep tips” was also insightful.
Funnily enough though, I found Wikipedia’s “How to get a Bikini Worthy body” equally very helpful.
Finally we, or shall I say my friend settled on Jen Ferrugia's Bikini Body Workout and some 60 days later, I must admit not only was she looking lovelier, her mood was markedly up too, and I guess you all probably know what that means for our relationship.
So therefore if as they say there is really no such thing as a quintessential bikini body, and that all bodies in bikinis are, I can definitely tell you from experience, (vicariously), that strictly speaking, this isn’t true. Some bikini bodies are more bodied than others.
For as the saying goes, some were born bikini bodied, some achieve bikini bodied-ness and some had bikini bodied-ness thrust upon them. We were not all born blessed with bikini bodies and neither would most of us like to be pressured into getting one, but the good thing is that with the select number of great bikini body programs out there, we now have the opportunity to decide whether we want to attain one and if so, the means to achieve it. So that next time whenever summer rolls round, year in year out, we can confidently say “Bikini beach… here we come!”
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